
About admin

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So far admin has created 21 blog entries.

Strengthening the Research Team at Energo Pro Holding

2024-09-25T22:05:27+04:0025 September, 2024|

Methodo has launched a comprehensive program aimed at enhancing the research capabilities of Energo Pro Holding’s team. For several years, Energo Pro Holding has been conducting a variety of customer satisfaction surveys using its internal

The possibilities of smart cities

2024-09-21T16:14:10+04:0021 September, 2024|

coming soon... Nino KalandiaStrategic communications professional, marketer and sociologist with academic education and practical work experience. 16 years of experience in business and educational field. Master's degree in Sociology of Communications and PhD

თანამშრომლობის მემორანდუმი კომპანია “ლოიალტესთან”

2024-09-26T10:35:54+04:0015 September, 2024|

2 სექტემბერს, კვლევით კომპანია “მეთოდოსა” და აუდიტორული და საკონსულტაციო კომპანია “ლოიალტეს"  შორის თანამშრომლობის მემორანდუმი გაფორმდა. ორი კომპანიის გამოცდილებების შერწყმა - ერთი მხრივ, ბაზრის და მომხმარებლის ქცევის შესწავლა, ხოლო, მეორე მხრივ, განვითარების გზაზე შემდგომი სამოქმედო გეგმების

Data analyst vacancy

2024-09-17T22:28:18+04:0015 September, 2024|

If you are interested, send us your resume and cover letter by e-mail. By mail: - to the mentioned address, be sure to mention the title of the vacancy in the subject

All about the customer

2024-09-26T10:32:33+04:0014 September, 2024|

In today's fast-paced world, where trends shift like sand dunes in a desert, understanding the voice of the customer isn't just a strategic advantage - it's the lifeblood of any organization. More than ever, businesses

Navigating in Brand Aviation

2024-09-14T07:53:48+04:0014 September, 2024|

Have you dreamed of driving an airplane - the profession of a pilot? Do you think your dream has remained a dream? In fact, you are managing a brand whose flight, maintaining altitude in turbulence

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